Module 1



The female genital tract

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 2



Anatomy, physiology and histology of the cervix

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 3



Cervical cancer: epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis and main histological types.

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 4



Human Papillomaviruses in cervical cancer

  Course Objective - Course Content


Module 5



The Pap test : principles of collection and preparation of specimens. Laboratory organisation, screening and reporting cervical smears.

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 6



Normal cell content of cervical smears, contaminants and artifacts. Adequacy and unsatisfactory smears

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 7




Inflammatory changes, specific infections reaction, repair and iatrogenic changes.

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 8



Squamous carcinoma of the cervix, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS)

  Course Objective - Course Content


Module 9



Glandular lesions and management of women with abnormal smears.

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 10



Quality assurance

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 11



Health and safety in the laboratory

Course Objective - Course Content


Module 12



Automation and Liquid Based Cytology

  Course Objective - Course Content


Self Test



First user: Installing the Eurocytology Self Assessment Test will automatically download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5™. Eurocytology Self Assessment Test works only on Windows™ systems.

If you already have downloaded and installed Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5™ and the Self Test files just execute the Eurocytology Self Assessment Test from your computer.

  Download the test


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