Cervical Cytology

Health and safety in the laboratory



    On completion of this section the cytotechnologist should know:

  • Understand what is required to provide and maintain a safe working environment
  • Be aware of major hazard in the cytology laboratory such as - electricity, fire, flammable liquids and gases, corrosive and toxic agents, carcinogens, infectious material, mechanical and environmental hazards.
  • Be aware of the risk associated with the above hazards in the cytology laboratory and understand measures taken to minimise their risk
  • Understand their  role in ensuring  healthy and safe working conditions

In addition an advanced practitioner should:

  • Be aware of the role of the designated safety officer (or laboratory manager) in ensuring  health and safety in the workplace
  • Be  able to undertake risk assessment of hazardous  situations
  • Be aware of the contents of the Health and Safety Protocol for his/her laboratory
  • Be aware of need to report  untoward events and injuries and type of injuries and health issues that should be recorded