Efüzyon sitolojisi
Physiopathology of the effusions
Specimen collection and preparation methods
Reporting terminology
Benign elements
Non-neoplastic conditions
Malignant effusions

Primary effusion lymphoma

It is a large B-cell lymphoma which presents as a pleural, pericardial or peritoneal effusion. There is no associated mass lesion or lymphadenopaty. Most cases arise in the setting of HIV infection. The prognosis is poor.

Cytologic diagnostic features

  • Dispersed large cells
  • Round or irregular nuclei, prominent nucleoli
  • Abundant basophilic cytoplasm (Romanowsky stain)

Immunocytochemistry confirms the diagnosis: they are usually CD45 positive, CD19 and CD20 negative.

High grade lymphomatous effusion 80
81 82
CD20 (83)
CD3 (84) Ki-67 (85)

