Non-gynaecological Cytology
Thyroid cytology
Anatomy and physiology of the thyroid
Thyroid nodules
Classification of thyroid neoplasms
Fine needle aspiration (FNA)
Adequacy of the specimen
Evaluation of the specimen
Terminology for reporting results
Benign conditions
The follicular lesions
Malignant tumours
Parathyroid tumours

WHO classification of thyroid tumours (1988)

I. Epithelial tumours

  • Benign
    • Follicular adenoma and variants
    • Others including hyalinizing trabecular adenoma
  • Malignant
    • Follicular carcinoma including minimally invasive, widely invasive and poorly differentiated subtypes
    • Papillary carcinoma and variants including papillary microcarcinoma, follicular variant and diffuse sclerosing variant
    • Medullary carcinoma and variants including mixed medullary-follicular carcinoma
    • Undifferentiated (anaplastic) carcinoma
    • Others

II. Non-epithelial tumours

  • Benign
  • Malignant
    • Angiosarcoma
    • Others

III. Malignant lymphomas

IV. Miscellanous tumours

