Regeneration and repair
- Healing of the ulcerated or eroded epithelium is effected by proliferation of the basal cell layer of adjacent epithelium and expansion of the reserve cells of the local gland crypts. Initially the denuded area is covered by immature metaplastic cells which eventually transforms into mature squamous or columnar epithelium.
- The degenerative changes associated with inflammation and the regenerative changes associated with repair are often seen in the same smear.
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A regenerációt lemezekben elhelyezkedõ hengerhámsejtek és éretlen metaplasztikus sejtek jellemzik, amelyekben nagy mag, szám,os kifejezett magvacska és kromocentrum van jelen a magas mitotikus aktivitás jeleként. |
Chronic cervicitis
When injury persists discrete lymphocytes and plasma cells migrate into the inflamed area and can be found in moderate numbers among the polymorphs in the smear. In long standing cervicitis such as that associated with the insertion of a vaginal pessary for vaginal prolapse in a post menopausal woman, the epithelium may show reactive changes such as parakeratosis and hyperkeratosis. These changes may also be seen in the smear.
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A kropnikus lymphocytás cervicitis polymorph magvú leukocyták és lymphocyták együttes elõfordulásával jelemmezett. A hámsejtek esetenkén intenziv eosinophiliát mutatnak, ami hyperkeratosis jele. |
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Chronic lymphocytic cervicitis is characterised by a mixture of polymorphs and lymphocytes in the smear. Some of the epithelial cells show intense eosinophilic staining consistent with hyperkeratotic changes
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Follikuláris cervicitis: a cervixben ilyn esetekben valódi lymphoid follikulusok keletkeznek, ez valószinuleg a felszini hám sérülésének következménye. Bármely életkorban elõfordul, de leggyakrabban post menupausalis kenetben látjuk. A follikulusokat ilyenkor fragilis, sérülékeny vékony hám fedi,l amit a spatula könnyen eltávolít. érett és éretlen lymphoid sejtek vannak a kenetben, tingibilis makrofagok is láthatók. |