Non-gynaecological Cytology
Κυτταρολογία μαστού
Ανατομία και ιστολογία του μαστού
Κυτταρολογία εκκρίματος θηλής
Βιοψία δια λεπτής βελόνης (FNA)
Αξιολόγηση δείγματος
Καλοήθεις παθήσεις
Καρκίνωμα του μαστού
Φυλλοειδής όγκος


Solitary intraductal papillomas occur most often in women from 50 to 60 years of age. Patients often do not have a palpable mass, but rather present with a serous or bloody nipple discharge.

Aspiration of a papilloma shows tight clusters and three-dimensional groups of epithelial cells, possibly in a papillary arrangement, which is more obvious in cell block preparations. Individually scattered columnar-shaped cells and spindle-shaped stromal cells can occasionally be present.

Surgical excision is always advised for the differential diagnosis with well-differentiated papillary carcinoma. Also fibroadenoma is included in the differential diagnosis, when smears of papilloma show a branching epithelial pattern.
