Non-gynaecological Cytology
Respiratory tract cytology
Anatomy and histology of the respiratory tract
Indications of respiratory tract cytology
Cell sampling and preparation methods
Reporting terminology
Normal cells
Non-cellular elements and specimen contaminants
Benign cellular changes
Respiratory infections
Benign lesions
Preneoplastic changes of respiratory epithelium
Lung cancer and other malignant tumours

Bronchial reserve cell hyperplasia

Bronchial reserve cells proliferate when the surface epithelium is shed during lung injury. In cytologic smears, hyperplastic reserve cells are observed as small, hyperchromatic cells, with smudged chromatin and scant cytoplasm; they are tightly packed and show nuclear molding.
They are distinguished from small cell carcinoma by their greater cohesiveness, their very small size and lack of mitoses and necrosis.


