Non-gynaecological Cytology
Respiratory tract cytology
Anatomy and histology of the respiratory tract
Indications of respiratory tract cytology
Cell sampling and preparation methods
Reporting terminology
Normal cells
Non-cellular elements and specimen contaminants
Benign cellular changes
Respiratory infections
Benign lesions
Preneoplastic changes of respiratory epithelium
Lung cancer and other malignant tumours

Bronchial cell changes

Bronchial cell changes occur in response to noxious stimuli such as severe inflammations, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. Ciliated columnar cells may have enlarged nuclei with coarse chromatin and large nucleoli. Multinucleation is common. Large papillary groups of bronchial cells (Creola bodies) may be seen in chronic airway diseases such as asthma. Goblet cells may also proliferate and large sheets or papillary clusters of goblet cells may exfoliate; goblet cell hyperplasia can mimic a bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.

Bronchial cell hyperplasia must not be misdiagnosed as adenocarcinoma. Benign bronchial cells are ciliated and a spectrum of epithelial changes ranging from benign to markedly atypical is usually observed, rather than two distinct cell populations.



