Solunum sitolojisi
Anatomy and histology of the respiratory tract
Indications of Solunum sitolojisi
Cell sampling and preparation methods
Reporting terminology
Normal cells
Non-cellular elements and specimen contaminants
Benign cellular changes
Respiratory infections
Benign lesions
Preneoplastic changes of respiratory epithelium
Lung cancer and other malignant tumours

Squamous cell carcinoma

It accounts for about one-third of all primary lung malignancy. Most of these tumors arise in a central location, the remainder in smaller bronchi.

Rare variants:

  • papillary
  • clear cell
  • small cell
  • basaloid

Cytologic diagnostic features (well-differentiated tumors)

  • Abundant dyshesive cells, that may be polygonal, rounded or elongated
  • Dense cytoplasmic orangeophilia (Papanicolaou stains)
  • Pleomorphic, hyperchromatic and often pyknotic nuclei
  • Obscured nucleoli and chromatin detail
  • Tadpole or fiber-like cells
  • Frequent anucleate cells
  • Twisted keratin strands (Herxheimer spirals)

Tadpole or fiber-like cells are bizarre, elongated, spindle-shaped cells which can often be seen. An abundant granular debris, necrosis and inflammation are common.

The cells of moderately or poorly differentiated tumors show larger nuclei with coarse and granular chromatin texture and cyanophilic cytoplasm (with Papanicolaou stains); they are often arranged in thick groups. Keratinization is rare or absent. In poorly-differentiated tumors a definitive diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma can be sometimes hard to be made; a diagnosis of non-small cell carcinoma should be made in these cases.

False-positive diagnosis may occur as a result of overinterpretation of reparative or metaplastic changes. False-negative diagnoses may occur when only necrotic and inflammatory material is obtained.

Differential diagnosis

  • Repair
  • Squamous metaplasia
  • Degeneration
  • Mesothelial cells
  • Radiation/chemoterapy effect
  • Upper airway cancer contamination


  • Cytokeratin 7 –
  • Cytokeratin 5 +
  • Cytokeratin 20 –
  • Neuroendocrine markers –
  • TTF-1 –
occult carcinoma in situ
FNA moderately differ
FNA FNA well differ histology
FNA well differ FNA well differ
Transbronchial FNA
Bronchial brush