Eurocytology has received a new 2013-15 EU Leonardo Grant and is being updated!!!

The website was originally developed with Leonardo funding in the 2005-07 call. Its use has significantly exceeded expectations. It is now the most used cytology e-learning training platform on the web. The platform is interactive, available in 6 languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Polish and Hungarian) with Czech, Turkish, German, Rumanian, Portuguese and French being currently implemented or planned. In 2013 it received on average 50,000 visits and 75,000 pages downloaded/ month. 

New courses will be offered on colposcopy, molecular testing etc. and self assessment tests will be available. Digitally scanned slides will be added as teaching cases for each topic. More EU countries wish to become involved, with their own training priorities and curricula and the whole training platform will be expanded to reflect their particular professional and competence requirements. The architecture of the website will become dynamic rather than static. 

EFCS, our European Federation, is looking to the website to provide the platform for a European recognised accredited professional training programme; particularly as the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) Oct 2012 ratified that sector training must follow an approved curriculum with individual nations regularly assessed and national variations approved. 

The new partners are the EFCS, the Czech and Turkish Cytology Societies, Inbrook Ltd and Interfase. The Editorial Board includes all the current and previous partners of the project.

As part of the ongoing update to Eurocytology training platform, we would value any feedback from you via our quick survey.


Czech and Turkish translations are in progress.

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