Καλώς-ήλθατε στο εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα του διαδικτύου: Εurocytology.

To εκπαιδευτικό έργο Εurocytology υποστηρίζεται από το πρόγραμμα Leonardo da Vinci, με στόχο την αυξανόμενη πρόσβαση στην εκπαίδευση της κλινικής κυτταρολογίας και την εναρμονισμένη εκπαίδευση σε αυτήν την σημαντική ειδικότητα της παθολογίας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.

Έχει ως στόχο την χορηγία ενός συνόλου πολύ προσεκτικά επιλεγμένων εικόνων με συνοδευόμενο κείμενο και αναφορές, ώστε να καταστήσει μία ενιαία πλατφόρμα εκπαίδευσης και επιμόρφωσης κυτταροτεχνολόγων και κυτταροπαθολόγων σε όλες τα πλευρές της  κυτταρολογίας (screening και διάγνωση).

Οι πληροφορίες παρουσιάζονται σε τρία εκπαιδευτικά πακέτα:

  • Εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο 1- Κυτταρολογία γυναικείου γεννητικού συστήματος.            
  • Εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο 2- Μη γυναικολογική κυτταρολογία
  • Εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο 3- Προηγούμενα επιδοτούμενα από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.

If you would like to make any suggestions regarding Eurocytology please contact one of the following:





Partners of Eurocytology

The Eurocytology Website Project is the result of an international  partnership comprised of experienced cytopathologists and cytotechnologists representing the following Institutes, Hospitals and  Cytology Societies  in the European Community.

Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London
University College Hospital Department of Histopathology

Italian Society of  Anatomic Pathology and Cytology (SIAPEC)
Karolinska Hospital and  Institute, Sweden
Pomeranian Medical University, Poland
Hungarian Cytology Society.
Polish Cytology Society
Swedish Cytology  Society

The project was  proposed, promoted and coordinated by

    Dr R Dina, Consultant Cytopathologist and Histopathologist,
    Hammersmith Hospital ,London
on behalf of
                 The Department of Histopathology and Cytology,
     Division of  Investigative Sciences,  Faculty of Medicine,
    Imperial College , London

The project was funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme  which has as its aim the harmonisation standardisation and development of vocational training  programmes in member countries of the European Union

Editorial Board of the Eurocytology website

    R Dina (Chairman)
    Department of Histopathology and Cytology, Faculty of Medicine,Imperial College, London, United Kingdom

    DV Coleman
    Dept of Histopathology and Cytology , Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London,United Kingdom

    A Capitanio
    Formerly: Department of Pathology, Karolinska University Hospital,Stockholm, Sweden
    Currently: Department of Pathology, University College London Hospital, London, United Kingdom

    W Domagala
    Dept of Pathology,Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland

    M Chosia
    Dept of Pathology,Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland

    W Olszewski
    Dept of Pathology , Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland

    L Vass
    Dept of Pathology, Cytology Unit, F.Flor Hospital of Pest County, Budapest ,Hungary

    A Bondi
    Dept of Pathology, Cytology Unit, Maggiore Hospital. Bologna, Italy

    G Morgan
    Dept of Histocytopathology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden

    A Badger
    J & AB Associates Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, United Kingdom


    Training programme 1:  Cervical Cytopathology – DV Coleman

    Training programme 2:   Non gynaecological Cytopathology – R. Dina

    Training programme 3:   EU funded Projects  -  DV Coleman

Design and execution

    J Poznansky
    Visiting Research Scientist, Dept of  Histopathology and Cytology, Imperial College, London UK

    M. Capitanio

F Corsi
Research Fellow, Dept of  Histopathology and Cytology, Imperial College ,London UK

Independent Project Assessment and Evaluation

    R Mecsei -
    Chairman, European Advisory Committee of Cytotechnology Trondelag University College , Dept of Medical Laboratory Technology, Trondheim, Norway

    D Ejersbo
    Secretary, European Advisory Committee of Cytotechnology Dept of Pathology , Odense University Hospital, Denmark

Contributors to Training programme 1: Cervical Cytopathology

    Module 1
    Female Genital Tract -  DV Coleman ,R Dina  

    Module 2
    Anatomy, Physiology and Histology of the Cervix – DV  Coleman , W Domagala

    Module  3
    Epidemiology , Aetiology , Pathogenesis and Main Histological types- DV Coleman , W Domagala

    Module 4
    Human Papillomaviruses and Cervical Cancer – DV Coleman

    Module 5
    The Pap Test . Principles of Collection and preparation of specimens.Laboratory organisation , screening and reporting cervical smears-DV Coleman

    Module 6
    Normal cell content of cervical smears contaminants and artefacts,Adequacy and unsatisfactory specimens  :- DVColeman, A Capitanio,
    G Morgan

    Module  7
    Inflammatory changes , specific infections , reaction repair and iatrogenic changes- D V Coleman , A Capitanio,
    G Morgan

    Module 8
    Squamous carcinoma of cervix , CIN and ASCUS – DV Coleman, M Chosia A Capitanio, G Morgan

    Module 9
    Glandular lesions and management of women with abnormal smears – DV Coleman , R Dina , M Chosia
    W Domagala

    Module 10
    Quality Assurance –DV Coleman

    Module 11
    Health and Safety in the Laboratory – DV Coleman & C. Agbo

    Module  12
    Liquid Based Cytology  and Automation – DV Coleman , C.Agbo .G Morgan

Contributors to Training programme 2 Non gynaecological cytology 

      Module 1
      Respiratory cytology – W Olszewski

      Module 2
      Thyroid cytology – R Dina

      Module  3 
      Head and neck cytology – L Wass and E Roman

      Module  4
      Lymph node cytology – P Zeppa, I Cozzolino, E Vigliar, A Vetrani

      Module  5
      Breast  - A Capitanio, Garreth Morgan, Luigi di Bonito, Gabrijela Kocjan

      Module 6
      Serous effusions – W Domagala

      Module  7
      Liver cytology –R Dina

      Module  8
      Pancreatic and Biliary cytology – R Dina and F Corsi

      Module  9
      Urinary Tract cytology – A Capitanio, G Morgan

      Module  10
      Spleen cytology – P Zeppa, G Troncone, U Malapelle, L Palombini



  • Polish translation - W Domagala
  • Greek translation  - Ευαγγελία Κλειδαραδάκη (Evangelia Kleidaradaki)
  • Hungarian translation  - L Wass
  • Spanish translation - L  Alarcon
  • Italian translation  - A  Bondi

Self assessment exercises  

  • Multiple choice questions -  DV Coleman
  • Slide Library –  A Capitanio    
  • Virtual images – W Domagala
  • Cytotrain Quiz – Previous L da V project  

Adminstration and Financial Coordination
J& AB Associates, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire UK

We would like to thank the following Danish and Norwegian cytotechnologists who  participated in the independent assessment of the Eurocytology website

T Almås,S Borchgrevink-Persen,ML Eide,S Omidbakhsh,M Yadgari
Dept. of Pathology and Medical Genetics,  St. Olavs Hospital,Trondheim University Hospital, Norway

B Christensen,BM Dybdahal,M Hervik,  J Løge A  Wittersø
Dept. of Pathology  Stavanger University Hospital, Norway

S. Funch-Eilsersen, Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark
M. Nielsen, Vejle-Give Sygehus, Denmark
S. Nielsen, Storstroemmens Sygehus Naestved, Denmark
P. Sandahl, Aalborg Sygehus, Denmark
M. Schou, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark